LETTING THE WORLD IN BIBLIOGRAPHY Judith Black www.storiesalive.com
MacDonald, Margaret Read 1999 EARTH CARE: World Folktales to Talk About, North Haven CT, Linnet Books
This is a fantastic collection, categorized by the both the issues address and national origin of the story. Margaret Read MacDonald is a very well respected figure in the storytelling and literary worlds.
Brody, Goldspinner, Green, Leventhal, and Porchino 1992 SPINNING TALES WEAVING HOPE, Philadelphia, PA, New Society Publishers
This grand compilation of stories, contributed by some of the finest storyteller/educators in the U.S. is perfect for a classroom teacher. The stories come with discussion questions, curriculum guides, bibliographies and, often, suggestions for presentation.
Stetson, Norfolk, and Ford 2017 SCIENCE WITH STORYTELLING, Jefferson, NC. McFarland & Co., Inc
Every tale in this compilation is accompanied by a detailed curriculum guide, assessment, bibliography, and resource list. It also notes which U.S. government standards it addresses. Doubt that you have to jump through these hoops to teach!
Casey, Dawn THE BAREFOOT BOOK OF EARTH TALES 2009 Cambridge, MA Barefoot Books
A visually beautiful book, it includes stories from around the globe with well explained activities for each tale.
Useful Websites:
Stalling, Fran https://www.franstallings.com/Environmentor
Fran offers stories to accent any academic subject as well as an ongoing web journal, The Environmentor
Strauss, Kevin, NatureStory http://www.naturestory.com/database,environ.html
If you like building your own tales from story summaries, this is your site. Kevin offers tales about animal groupings and stories to address environmental issue.
This is a limited list, but will launch your work.