Storytelling For the Whole Family
There is that wink, giggle, or nod of recognition when you and your children hear a tale, and know it really is about you! These stories from folk, fairy, and personal roots touch the truths that exist in all of all families. Below you will find program descriptions for mixed age audiences and also a few programs just for the parents. There are some things we really need to share among ourselves!
Oops Ma! Songs and Stories of Family Life:
From the crack of dawn until sleep draws us reluctantly from lifes’ pulse, these tales reflect the laughter and tears that emerge from our authentic experiences. Designed for people ages 5 through 50, you will remember those early morning wake-ups engineered by your 5 year old, the harried attempts at preschool nutrition, and the parental temper fluctuations at bed time. The audience will become part of the celebration as they sing, chant, and open their imaginations, binding their lives to these tales.
Pinching the Giant: Trickster of the World Trickster’s are as common to the folklore of cultures as spices are to their culinary traditions. As with food, you’ll discover that the staples are similar, and it is often the seasoning that makes the specific offering unique. Though beauty, strength, or wealth might not be in your providence, a strong set of wits can be developed and used by anyone. We can all be the trickster.
When a child hears a story they allow themselves to become its’ hero or heroine. Whether they must overcome incredible odds, perform a good deed, or show courage beyond their years, the child emerges with the strength and confidence of the storys’ main character. Enjoy tales, traditional and original, that empower children to experience themselves as the heroes and heroines of their world.
Blooming: Stories for Girls To Grow On
These stories, traditional and original, explore how a girl can be strong, or smart, or simply kind, and discover both happiness and success.
From text messaging to the bleeps of a computer screen, contemporary life seems intent on keeping us far away from the shared warmth and immediacy of our human community. Confound the odds and come together for stories that emerge from the heart of a young adolescent’s life. You will meet the girl who, not through beauty and not through IQ, but kindness, wins the Lord of Wind. They will see a young woman confound an entire warrior nation with her unique approach to their aggression. You will have the opportunity to experience how wit can overcome greed and fear.
To view some of Judith’s stories for young audiences
OY Parenting
Esau, My Son
In a family of ‘Jacobs’ the intellectual inheritors of the tribe and tradition, what happens when you birth an ‘Esau,’ a hairy lover of meat and hunting? This very funny and poignant tale for parents and educators alike, is about the barbed wire of parenting, and how our children, if we listen and learn, eventually teach us who they are and how to nurture them. 60 minutes How I Learned to love Football: What is a postfeminist, pacifist, mother to do when football is her son’s only passion? 15 minutes
The Kid Gets Religion:
A funny tale about what draws a young person into maintaining a relationship with the faith of their family. 20 minutes
The Adventures of Nurture Mom:
When our children are born we have an image of the perfect life we’ll provide. Deeply committed to organic foods, cotton diapers, wooden toys, and peaceful play activities, the ‘good’ mother plans on raising another Ghandi or King. It is our children who lead us on the road we would not have chosen! 20 minutes
Do As I Say, Not As I Do!
Storytelling Between Parent and Child
Please join Judith for an evening of lively, funny, and revealing tales about the joys and challenges of being both a kid and a parent. Judith, in her lively theatrical style, will share tales both ancient and contemporary about family life. You will laugh as an ancient Japanese Sumo wrestler learns about true strength from a young woman, and recognize your own journeys as Judith tries to talk her 11 year old out of playing football. Our evening will culminate as families search for and share their own stories, discovering that the greatest entertainment value and wisdom lie with one another.
Become a storyteller! Take a class with Judith.