TED TALK Handouts: Environmental Organizations and Making Personal Changes

From Direct Action to Political Lobbying: Join With Others (This is obviously a limited list.  Add the organization you work with, and please send them on to me.)



Greenpeace   http://www.greenpeace.org/usa/

Earth First  http://www.earthfirst.org

Idle No More  http://www.idlenomore.ca

Earth Quaker Action Team       http://www.eqat.org

No Coal No Gas: https://www.nocoalnogas.org

Climate Disobedience Center: https://www.climatedisobedience.org/past_support

Extinction Rebellion: https://rebellion.global

Mothers Out Front: https://www.mothersoutfront.org

Rise and Resist: https://www.riseandresist.org/climate

Sunrise Movement  (high school and college ages) https://www.sunrisemovement.org

Stop the Money Pipeline: https://stopthemoneypipeline.com

Earth Strike (UK)  https://www.facebook.com/EarthStrikeInt/

Honor the Earth: https://www.honorearth.org

Indigenous Environmental Network: https://www.ienearth.org/#

Earth Guardians:  https://www.earthguardians.org

Seeding Sovereignty: https://seedingsovereignty.org


Sierra Club   http://www.sierraclub.org/#!

Union of Concerned Scientests   http://www.ucsusa.org

Conservation Fund    http://www.conservationfund.org/about-us

Conservation International http://www.conservation.org/Pages/default.aspx

Rainforest Action Network: https://act.ran.org/

Indigenous Climate Action: https://www.indigenousclimateaction.com

Outdoor Afro:  https://outdoorafro.com/ 

OPAL (Organizing People/Activating Leaders-Oregon) https://www.opalpdx.org

Global Green Grants Fund:  https://www.greengrants.org

National Black Farmer Association: https:  //www.nationalblackfarmersassociation.org

Rural Coalition:  https://www.ruralco.org

Environmental Justice for All:  https://ej4all.org/about-us/

 Honor the Earth: https://www.honorearth.org

Environmental Justice Foundation  https://ejfoundation.org


Trustees of the Reservation: http://www.thetrustees.org


The Climate Reality Project (http://climaterealityproject.o..

Rainforest Action Network  (www.ran.org)

The National Resource Defense Council  https://www.nrdc.org

Oceana  www.oceana.org

World Watch Institute  http://worldwatch.org

Conservation Law Foundation (New England)

Citizens Climate Lobby:  https://citizensclimatelobby.org

League of Conservation Voters  https://www.lcv.org/mission/

Oil Change International:  www.http://priceofoil.org/


Environmental Defense Fund  https://www.edf.org

Oil Change International:  www.http://priceofoil.org/

National Resources Defense Counsel https://www.nrdc.org

Rainforest Alliance  http://www.rainforest-alliance.org

World Resources Institute  http://www.wri.org

Rocky Mountain Institute   http://www.rmi.org

CHANGING YOUR LIFEConserve Energy Shift your heating and cooling from fossil fuels to air or ground source heat pumps.

Hang the Laundry

Use Fans instead of Air Conditioners

Insulate Your Home/Tighten Your Envelope

Put on a sweater and socks before you turn up the heat

Use efficient light bulbs

Keep your freezer full

Turn TV and Computer screens to a normal or standard, rather than bright picture setting

Auto Power down video consoles

Let the wind dry your hair

Buy Energy From Renewable Sources

Conserve Water

Wash Laundry in cold water

Turn off when not in direct use

Fix leaky faucets

Water garden in morning or evening

Mulch Plants

Let grass get higher and leave cut grass as mulch

Divest your savings from fossil Fuel Companies and Those that Support Them:

3 Terse and funny minutes to understand corporate GREENWASHING

Make Your Own Non-Toxic Cleaners (Water, White Vinegar, and Baking Soda)


Reduce Your Waste

Buy  products in largest cardboard package or no packaging

Buy used (not used up) products

Recycle but be aware this was invented by the petro chemical industry to keep the onus on the user rather than the manufacturer!

Use reusable containers for liquids, lunches, etc.



Grow Your Food or join a CSA

Weed killer-Mix White Vinegar and a drop of non-toxic dish soap

Eat organic (transparent, healthy, land management)

Eat Local

Download Seafood Watch App (Monterey Bay Aquarium)

Skip straws




Use Public Transit

Car Pool

Sell the SUV and buy a smaller, efficient,electric  vehicle

Good long list at:
