RETIRING THE CHAMP: A Story About Life’s Last Big Bout
Retiring the Champ touches on many issues that participants will want the opportunity to explore. They include but are not exclusive of:
-Denial Is Not just a River in Egypt: As we travel from the role of child to the parent in our relationship with our elders, it is often difficult to accept their increasing frailty. We cling resolutely to our image of a younger, more vital human. What is necessary for us to see, accept, and come to aid of our diminishing parents?
-Who’s Minding the Shop: In many couples one partner covers for the decreasing capabilities of the other. This is what marriage is about. When does this cooperation turn into potentially hazardous dependency?
-Discovering Individual Diagnosis: Every human being is unique. A medical diagnosis offers a general category into which your loved one fits, but cannot analyze their specific condition or abilities in the light of their past and present. Only you can help to diagnosis, adjust, and advocate for those qualities.
-Where to Now? One thing is for sure. As you age nothing remains the same for very long. How can we evaluate needs and styles, and help find the right living environment for a loved one.
-How can you determine if a specific institution will meet your needs?
-How can you advocate successfully for your loved one within that institution?
-How can you know when it is time to change institutions?
-You Can Redeem More than Green Stamps: Relationships at end of life can offer new joys and rewards. This is an ideal time to think about the relationship you always wanted with the dying person, and open yourself to the possibilities of finding exactly what you need within this journey.
-Honoring the Caretakers: In many facilities for the aged, people of color and third world employees, earning a minimum wage, deliver over 90% of the direct services and yet have no input into policy or care management plans. It is no wonder that they are often alienated from the mission of the institution. Let us begin to think about creating a broader base of participation, responsibility, and reward among those who share this work.
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